
In the air a dampness could be felt, and the air itself could be felt growing warmer and warmer


{ Tap water can be unhealthy but still legal | NY Times | full story }

In some circles, the Mint 400 is a far far better thing than the Superbowl, the Kentucky Derby, and the lower Oakland roller derby finals all rolled into one.


But when you hear his engines, you’re lookin’ through the window in the kitchen and you know, you’re always gonna be there when he calls


A pesticide that is used around the world can turn male frogs into egg-producing females, a new study has shown.

The pesticide, atrazine, has infiltrated water supplies and can travel to areas hundreds of kilometers from the place where it was originally used. Some research has suggested that atrazine can affect the development of amphibians, but these findings have been disputed.

{ Conservation magazine | Continue reading }