Everyone complains about his memory, and no one complains about his judgment


It’s now been a couple of weeks since Siri debuted as part of Apple’s iPhone 4S. (…)

Siri is hard to copy. For anyone who doesn’t understand voice applications, it’s easy to think that Siri will be easy to copy. It won’t.  There are 2 parts to making a successful voice app: the voice rec technology which has improved a lot but is basically a commodity and the app itself, which is a combination of art and artificial intelligence.  It’s that 2nd part that’s so tough to replicate and that’s why Apple bought Siri last year.  It’s true Google has experience in the voice rec space and doing some simple voice apps but they do not have the personality and AI of Siri and that will be very difficult to copy — especially for a company that doesn’t sit at the intersection of the humanities and technology.

{ Forbes | Continue reading }

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