Busta and the whole Flipmode on the floor


An Australian technology expert has discovered Facebook tracks the websites its users visit after they leave the social networking site. Nik Cubrilovic said his tests showed Facebook did not delete its tracking cookies when you logged out but modified them, maintaining account information and other unique tokens that could identify you.

So whenever you visited a web page containing a Facebook button or widget, your browser was still sending the details back to Facebook, said Mr Cubrilovic. “Even if you are logged out, Facebook still knows and can track every page you visit,” he wrote in a blog post. “The only solution is to delete every Facebook cookie in your browser, or to use a separate browser for Facebook interactions.”

{ Sydney Morning Herald | Continue reading }

Facebook filed paperwork today to start FB PAC, a political action committee that will support candidates dedicated to protecting the online privacy of ordinary Americans at any cost. Kidding! The PAC will fund candidates who support “giving people the power to share,” i.e. stripping them of what few government privacy protections remain.

{ Gawker | Continue reading }