
More fours fives and nines than a deck of cards


Gilles Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition (1968) introduces the importance of a philosophy of difference. (…)

Repetition may be variable, and thus may include difference within itself. (…)

A simple repetition is a mechanical, stereotyped repetition of the same element, while a complex repetition is a repetition which has difference hidden within itself. (…)

1) that everyone already knows how “thought” is to be defined; 2) that common sense and good sense guarantee this knowledge and understanding; 3) that recognition of an object is determined by the sameness of the object; 4) that representation can appropriately subordinate the concept of difference to the Same and the Similar, the Analogous and the Opposed; 5) that any error which occurs in thinking is caused by external rather than internal mechanisms; 6) that the truth of a proposition is only determined by what is designated by the proposition; 7) that problems are only defined by their solutions; and 8) that learning is only a means of gaining knowledge. Deleuze explains that these eight postulates are significant obstacles to the understanding of difference and repetition.

{ Alex Scott | Continue reading | Quote: Nietzsche, The Gay Science, 304, 1882 }
