I love it when a chick uses LOLs in texts bc it means she’s usually easily impressed


Five Ukrainian women, in an Ukrainian art museum. They are sleeping, or rather pretending to sleep, dressed up as Sleeping Beauty. Men come along and kiss them, on the lips, with each man allowed only one kiss. They have all signed legally binding contracts. If a woman responds to a kiss by opening her eyes and “waking,” she must marry the man. The man must marry the woman.

{ Marginal Revolution | Continue reading }

There are five Sleeping Beauties total; each takes turns, sleeping on the raised white satin bed for two hours at a time. […]

On September 5, the first Sleeping Beauty in Polataiko’s exhibition awoke to a kiss from another woman. Both of them were surprised. […]

Now the Sleeping Beauty must wed her “prince.” […] Gay marriage is not allowed in the Ukraine, however, so these two women will have to wed in a European country that does allow for same-sex marriage.

{ Hyperallergic | Continue reading }

art { Gustav Klimt, The Virgin, 1913 }