Every day, the same, again

95.jpgRedheads rejected by sperm banks.

A British sperm donor has fathered 17 families, raising the risk of the offspring meeting and unwittingly having an incestuous relationship.

Man Killed In Train Accident Sued By Woman His Flying Body Parts Injured. [Several witnesses said he was smiling as the train hit him.]

Sweden dealt a symbolic blow to the global fight against digital music and film piracy by recognizing a group that promotes file-sharing across the Internet as a religion.

12-year-old girl found being guarded by three lions who apparently had chased off men trying to force her to marry.

Woman auctions space on her bottom for tattoo.

There is an “unhealthy correlation” between the building of skyscrapers and subsequent financial crashes, according to Barclays Capital.

Officially known as “Compensation Communication Day,” today is the day when many at Goldman are finding out what their bonus will be. And it’s “really ugly” today, according to one Goldman employee.

There are more slaves today than at any point in history, remaining as high as 12 million to 27 million, even though slavery is now outlawed in all countries.

For the first time since 1965, homicide drops off list of top 15 causes of death in the US.

Vinyl sales rose by 39 percent in 2011.

Babies can tell whether you made a mistake or not from the tone of your voice.

How to Decode a Monkey Face.

What’s the Most Dangerous Over-the-Counter Drug?

Certain species of fungi can convert lead into stable mineral forms, hinting at new strategies for bioremediation.

So What If You Don’t Sleep Enough? Actually, you’ll die earlier, be fatter, and be worse at your job.

The G-Spot: Myth or Anatomical Mystery?

Two new sequencing machines will read a human genome in 24 hours.

In 1997, The Lancet published a medical study of three genuine Haitian zombies.

A New York psychoanalyst reveals her concerns about the profession.

75.jpgKoro, the fear that the genitals are fatally shrinking into the body.

Not all appearances of name-brand items in movies result from product placement.

What’s the best animal to slice open and crawl inside to stay warm? Assuming a bitterly cold day (9 degrees Fahrenheit), a stiff wind (12 miles per hour), and a 500-kilogram cow with half its insides scooped out, and factoring in the heat produced by the resident human, my assistant Una estimates the cow’s body would lose about 3 degrees per hour. She concludes you’d have right around 15 hours, best case, before hypothermia set in.

‘Hacker’ Journalism - A New Utopia for the Press?

Are online newspapers the modern day equivalent of 19th century bourgeois cafés for democratic discussions?

Have you looked at the number of white papers out there lately? And how they all suck? At the collateral? At the websites? At the press releases and the fatuous corporate blogs? Enterprise writing does not “go viral.”

26 reasons not to trust what you read in the newspaper.

Five ways the digital camera changed us.

The 20 Hardest Corporate Interviews In America.

Top 10 Bands With Members Who Don’t Play Anything.

7 surf sicknesses. [thanks tim]

6 Things Movies Love to Get Wrong About The Workplace.

Jeet Kune Do is a hybrid martial arts system and life philosophy founded by martial artist Bruce Lee with direct, non classical and straightforward movements.

76.jpgMachinima is the use of real-time 3D computer graphics rendering engines to create a cinematic production. Most often, video games are used to generate the computer animation.

Feature-length film, The Trashmaster, made entirely in Grand Theft Auto IV.

The EyeWriter is a low-cost eye-tracking apparatus & custom software that allows graffiti writers and artists with paralysis resulting from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to draw using only their eyes.

Robert De Niro’s real taxicab driver’s license from 1975.

Google’s Mapping Tools Spawn New Breed of Art Projects.

Vermin Supreme (2012 Presidential Candidate). [video]

Helping the retarded to know God.

Camera Store Gets Virtual Tour From Google Street View.

Have you every wondered which part of the other side of the earth is directly below you?

Porn for the Blind.