The illusory truth effect - the finding that repeated statements are believed more - is understood as a cognitive bias at the core of the psychology of beliefs. Here, we propose that the effect, rather than representing a flaw in human cognition, is a rational adaptation to generally high-quality information environments. […] we show that the illusory truth effect is substantially smaller in a low-quality (mostly false) relative to a high-quality (mostly true) information environment. In fact, a majority of participants in the low-quality condition do not demonstrate any illusory truth effect.
The production of fake research is now a thriving industry, thanks to paper mills. These networks sell paper authorships and poor-quality or fabricated scientific manuscripts to researchers, or violate the peer-review process by providing fake reviews. And they have become so prolific that current self-correction mechanisms no longer work. […] at least 400,000 papers published between 2000 and 2022 show the hallmarks of having been produced by paper mills […] only 55,000 were retracted or corrected in the same period
Meta Platforms has agreed to pay roughly $25 million to settle a 2021 lawsuit that President Trump brought against the company and its CEO after the social-media platform suspended his accounts following the attack on the U.S. Capitol that year […] Of that, $22 million will go toward a fund for Trump’s presidential library
California Law Enforcement Misused State Databases More Than 7,000 Times in 2023 […] using data for personal vendettas […] using the system to look up romantic partners or celebrities
The U.S. Copyright Office just released a new report establishing firm guidelines on AI-generated works. The 52-page report determined that copyright protection requires meaningful human authorship and creativity, not just AI generation. Even with extensive prompt engineering, simply providing text prompts to AI systems generally doesn’t qualify for copyright protection. The report highlighted works that combine human-authored elements with AI-generated content as copyrightable, but only for the human-created portions.
OpenAI Furious DeepSeek Might Have Stolen All the Data OpenAI Stole From Us “There’s a technique in AI called distillation, which you’re going to hear a lot about, and it’s when one model learns from another model, effectively what happens is that the student model asks the parent model a lot of questions, just like a human would learn, but AIs can do this asking millions of questions, and they can essentially mimic the reasoning process they learn from the parent model and they can kind of suck the knowledge of the parent model”
I am what happens when you try to carve God from the wood of your own hunger
experiments conducted with lab mice consuming water tainted with different sized microplastics […] different sized bits of fluorescent plastic in it, from micro to nano […] it takes microplastics just a few hours to make their way to their brains
human ears try to move when listening, scientists say, muscles move to orient ears toward sound source
Hot lemon water’s main nutritional asset is that it’s hydrating, Dr. Ho said. That’s especially beneficial first thing in the morning, she added, when “you haven’t had anything to drink all night.”The body needs to be hydrated to maintain its temperature, lubricate and cushion the joints, and remove waste through processes like sweating and urination. Good hydration is also associated with healthier skin, better mood and sharper thinking. That said, there isn’t anything special about lemon water, said Joan Salge Blake, a dietitian and clinical professor of nutrition at Boston University. You’d get the same benefits from a glass of regular water, a cup of herbal tea or even a cup of coffee. […] there isn’t much evidence that you’ll boost your immune system by consuming more vitamin C — whether through supplements or hot lemon water. [NY Times]
The chemical building blocks of life have been found in the grainy dust of an asteroid called Bennu, an analysis reveals. Scientists think those same compounds could also have been brought to other worlds in our Solar System