
Every day, the same, again

1455.jpgMan posing as officer pulls over undercover police vehicle.

Gay couple spent the last 20 years pretending a baby doll named Digby is their son.

Avalanche victims buried in Canada die significantly quicker than those buried in Switzerland.

Man busted for polygamy after unfriending wife No. 1.

Man charged with stabbing four people, killing one, after he became enraged because people were criticizing him for being flatulent, police said.

Philadelphia magazine fired editor Larry Platt for giving a framed photo of his testicle to a female employee.

Vegetarian throws meal at flight attendant.

Coyote Attacks: An Increasing Suburban Problem.

Quentin Tarantino Sues Neighbor Over Pet Birds.

U.S. millionaires say $7 million not enough to be rich.

In the last five years, full-fledged adults have seemingly given up the telephone — land line, mobile, voice mail and all.

Banking on a Paywall at The New York Times. Related: New York Times paywall: wishful thinking or just crazy? And: Here’s what the New York Times paywall looks like (to Canadians).

A study of magicians’ fake movements.

An afternoon nap tunes out negative emotions, tunes in positive ones.

The mathematics of being nice.

Study explains why birds crash into buildings.

New gadget provides fresh insight into goose-bumps.

Stress affects the balance of bacteria in the gut and immune response.

How Network Theory Can Prevent Extinctions.

454.jpgTwo stars caught fusing into one. Astronomers observe a merger in action for the first time.

Current computer graphics are fairly well known and understood. But how did we get here? The evolution of computer graphics is intertwined with textual display, and it is difficult to consider the two separately.

The Digital Crimes Unit at Microsoft, working with the US authorities, has managed to lay the smack down on the world’s largest spam network, Rustock.

How the iPhone Led to the Sale of T-Mobile USA.

How did a British polytechnic graduate become the design genius behind £200billion Apple?

The King of LSD.

Owsley Stanley died last weekend in a car crash in Australia, where he lived. It was Owsley who gave acid to Jimi Hendrix, Pete Townshend and Brian Jones (among many others) at the legendary Monterey Pop Festival of 1967. It was Owsley who agreed to deliver a lifetime supply of LSD to John Lennon. [NY Times, Rolling Stones]

John Hoke was fired from the federal government in 1962 because he wanted to build a boat powered by the sun.

The evolving design of cemeteries.

Cannibals Seeking Same: A Visit To The Online World Of Flesh-Eaters.

The 44-year-old ex-heavyweight champion is in bed by 8 and often up as early as 2 in the morning, at which point he takes a solitary walk around the gated compound in the Las Vegas suburb where he lives while listening to R&B on his iPod. Tyson then occupies himself with reading (he’s an avid student of history, philosophy and psychology), watching karate movies or taking care of his homing pigeons, who live in a coop in the garage, until 6, when his wife, Lakiha (known as Kiki), gets up.

Fire is a rare species: the professional boxer-model-actress.

What if your wife were a porn star?

Stan Lee on Which Superhero Has the Best Penis.

14521.jpgSean Parker, the Napster founder and 31-year-old Facebook billionaire, paid $20 million to buy 40 West 10th Street, one of the best townhouses in Greenwich Village. More: As a teenage computer hacker in the Washington, DC, suburbs a decade and a half ago, Sean Parker had acceptable technology skills but none of the out-and-out wizardry of a Bill Gates or a Steve Jobs.

Was Monopoly originally meant to teach people about the evils of capitalism?

Russian Anarcho-Punk zine: PunkWay #5, winter 2011

How Much Radiation Do We Absorb Every Day?

7 Ways Larry Page Is Defining Google’s Future.

World’s Top Scientific Cities.

How Shar-Pei dogs got their wrinkles.

Ambient music and live NYPD police radio.

The JWT Salt Lick BBQ truck at SXSW is so good if you were a cow you would eat yourself. [Thanks Glenn]

Do you use a hand sanitizer?
