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Russian State TV Airs Melania Trump’s Nudes on Prime Time

North Korean soldiers hooked on porn after getting internet access for first time while helping Russia fight Ukraine

Men’s Perceptions of Female Genitals

On average, people in relationships had higher life satisfaction than singles. Singles, even involuntary ones, had higher life satisfaction than people in bad relationships.

This scientist treated her own cancer with viruses she grew in the lab

How ChatGPT Brought Down an Online Education Giant — Chegg’s stock is down 99%, and students looking for homework help are defecting to ChatGPT

FBI says hackers are sending fraudulent police data requests to tech giants to steal people’s private information Emerges as Alternative to HaveIBeenPwned

We’re attempting to get a collection of humans to say every digit of the newly-discovered (and currently largest-known prime number) Mersenne prime M136279841
