
Bates Motel

110K domains targeted in ’sophisticated’ AWS cloud extortion campaign

Belisa Pang has an important new paper out about repeat filers, “The Bankruptcy Revolving Door.” Using new techniques and as well as a database of credit reports, she estimates the percentage of bankruptcy filers who are repeat filers is 36%. In 2023, she estimates the figure was 46%.

Sending low voltage electricity through sand can induce the formation of minerals that help curb coastal erosion

Regulations implemented in 2020 by the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) significantly reduced sulfur pollution from ships by over 80%, improving air quality globally. However, this reduction has also diminished the formation of low-lying, reflective clouds that follow in ships’ wakes and play a crucial role in cooling the planet. Studies have shown that by drastically reducing the number of ship tracks, the planet has warmed at a faster rate, particularly in the Atlantic, where maritime traffic is dense.

Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show — Twenty-four brain samples collected in early 2024 measured on average about 0.5% plastic by weight

How Ireland became the world’s literary powerhouse

Owning a crocodile as a pet becomes election issue in Northern Territory (Australia)

Time is another paradoxical component of the monotype process. While painting and drawing are mediums that depend on an accumulation of marks made over time, a monotype is printed at a particular moment in the development of the image on the plate, therefore endowing the work with a distinctive sense of immediacy. The artist must work relatively quickly, before the medium dries, and, as the plate can be wiped clean at any time in the drawing process, the artist may make wholesale changes right up until the paper goes through the press.

M&Ms on checkerboard trick your brain

Starting in 2008, Norman Bates has been hanging around the motel and can sometimes be seen by tourists on the Studio Tour tram passing by. More: The Psycho House
