
Sierra Leone Declares Emergency After Addicts Dig Up Graves To Get High On Drug Made From Human Bones

At the 1815 Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte’s final battle, more than 10,000 men and as many horses were killed in a single day. Yet today, archaeologists often struggle to find physical evidence of the dead from that bloody time period. […] an international team of historians and archaeologists argues the bones were depleted by industrial-scale grave robbing. The introduction of phosphates for fertilizer and bone char as an ingredient in beet sugar processing at the beginning of the 19th century transformed bones into a hot commodity. Skyrocketing prices prompted raids on mass graves across Europe—and beyond.

we also provide evidence that growing up together does not make people more similar and genetic effects partly wear off with time/generations.

Each pregnancy is linked with an additional two to three months of biological ageing, researchers say

New research suggests that individuals with elevated psychopathic traits might not experience a lack of fear but instead find enjoyment in frightening situations

Our main finding is that the correlation between beauty and earnings is not causal […] with the exception of prostitutes for which the premium is still substantial. […] Athletes and politicians seem to enjoy relatively large beauty premiums. [PDF]

Physically attractive attorneys tend to have greater success in federal court

Other videos are stolen from the model Cece Rose and have been replaced with “Adrianna’s” face. The AI influencers I saw had one consistent “face” through all of the stolen reels they posted. But the women they stole from were not always the same, meaning that one AI influencer is often posting videos consisting of many different “bodies,” which are of course stolen from real women.

Animal-free egg protein startup Onego Bio is one step closer to cracking the traditional egg market

Cow Magnets

The perfect heist? Inside the seamless, sophisticated, stealthy L.A. theft that netted up to $30 million