
Thief disguises as garbage bag to steal package off a porch

Google Books Is Indexing AI-Generated Garbage

For most of the twentieth century, psychologists dismissed the interior lives of birds because avian brains are smaller and differently structured than those of mammals. But it turns out that bird brains are much denser with neurons and consume less energy, giving crows similar cognitive abilities to large-brained mammals such as great apes, elephants, and whales. […] In 2020, a business-school graduate, Jules Mollaret, set out to build a new vending machine for crows, which would exchange trash for bird food.

Cancer-causing forever chemicals found in 65 percent of adhesive bandages where they can get directly into blood through open wounds, report warns

studies show: We’re more likely to buy a vacation using gift money rather than money earned as a work bonus. We spend more when we pay with a credit card instead of cash. When we get a refund, we’re more likely to use that refunded money to buy stuff we didn’t originally plan on buying.

Our tools shape our selves — According to French philosopher Bernard Stiegler, technics – the making and use of technology, in the broadest sense – is what makes us human. Our unique way of existing in the world, as distinct from other species, is defined by the experiences and knowledge our tools make possible […] In the decade after 1968, Stiegler opened a jazz club in Toulouse that was shut down by the police a few years later for illegal prostitution. Desperate to make ends meet, Stiegler turned to robbing banks to pay off his debts and feed his family. In 1978, he was arrested for armed robbery and sentenced to five years in prison. A high-school dropout who was never comfortable in institutional settings, Stiegler requested his own cell when he first arrived in prison, and went on a hunger strike until it was granted. After the warden finally acquiesced, Stiegler began taking note of how his relationship to the outside world was mediated through reading and writing. This would be a crucial realisation.

How to Spot Fake/Unsafe Eclipse Glasses — Safe solar viewers block all but a minuscule fraction of the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared (IR) light. Overexposure to sunlight in these parts of the spectrum can cause severe eye injury, ranging from temporarily impaired vision to permanent blindness.

Osama Vinladen is a Peruvian professional footballer. He has a brother named Sadam Huseín, the Spanish spelling of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Additionally, his father planned on naming his third child George Bush, but could not since they turned out to be female.