Higher pathological narcissism

Risk of penile fractures rises at Christmas, doctors find “This injury tends to occur during wild sex – particularly in positions where you’re not in direct eye contact [with your partner] […] When [patients] present to their doctor their penis often looks like an eggplant”

Tiny “biobots” made from human windpipe cells encouraged damaged neural tissue to repair itself in a lab experiment — potentially foreshadowing a future in which creations like this patrol our bodies, healing damage, delivering drugs, and more.

From plaque cleaning to drug delivery, nanoelectronics are rapidly developing, with major implications for medicine

A tiny ball of brain cells hums with activity as it sits atop an array of electrodes. For two days, it receives a pattern of electrical zaps, each stimulation encoding the speech peculiarities of eight people. By day three, it can discriminate between speakers. Dubbed Brainoware, the system raises the bar for biocomputing by tapping into 3D brain organoids, or “mini-brains.” These models, usually grown from human stem cells, rapidly expand into a variety of neurons knitted into neural networks. […] In another test, the system successfully tackled a complex math problem that’s challenging for AI.

A car dealership added an AI chatbot to its site. Then all hell broke loose. Pranksters discovered that a local car dealer’s AI chatbot could be used as a way to access ChatGPT. People shared attempts to trick the chatbot into selling them a new Chevy for as little as $1.

CaliExpress in Pasadena touted as world’s first fully autonomous, AI-powered restaurant

A stalker haphazardly posing as a cop demanded sensitive data from Verizon. Verizon complied, and the stalker drove to an address armed with a knife.

“In all fiction, when a man is faced with alternatives he chooses one at the expense of the others. In the almost unfathomable Ts’ui Pen, he chooses — simultaneously — all of them” (The Garden of Forking Paths, 1941). Because Borges could not possibly write this almost unfathomable book using a pencil or a typewriter, he instead chose to write about the book as an idea. He can imagine the book without writing it down in the same way that we can imagine the number π without writing down all its digits. Can a computer provide an approximation of the garden of all plausible texts like it provides approximations of the transcendental number π? PDF

The once-prophesized future where cheap, AI-generated trash content floods out the hard work of real humans is already here, and is already taking over Facebook.

Although people can identify judgment biases and their consequences, they tend to perceive their peers as more susceptible to such biases than themselves: a phenomenon called “bias blind spot”

Higher pathological narcissism is associated with greater involvement in feminist activism, US sample (N = 458)

This study addresses the challenge of measuring the stream of consciousness by introducing a classification system, CoMS-5T, encompassing five mental states: focus, task-related interference, external distraction, daydream, and blank. [PDF]

Light may cause water to evaporate (even without heat)

Daily vocal exercise is necessary for peak performance singing in a songbird

Here we tested whether alcohol exposure affected female mate-preference, choosiness, and copulation duration in the fly Drosophila simulans, while simultaneously testing for genetic variation in these effects. We found that alcohol exposure did not affect copulation duration, but did weaken mate-preference, as females copulated with a broader range of males after exposure, and it tended to reduce female choosiness as females mated more quickly.

A turbo-jet engine from a British Airways Concorde is being sold to the public on eBay