Every day, the same, again

41.jpgEvidence that authentic people seek to appear authentic rather than be authentic

Spies Can Eavesdrop by Watching a Light Bulb’s Vibrations

Doubling effort makes up for 6 IQ points

Scientists trigger hibernation in mice, astronauts could be next

Maps of Sexual Arousal in Men and Women →

Men holding cats were viewed as less masculine; more neurotic, agreeable, and open; and less dateable.

Effect of Coitus on Nasal Temperature — Nasal temperature readings were taken approximately 20 minutes before the subject engaged in coitus and repeated within 5 minutes after termination of the act. […] post coital rise ranges from 3.5 to 6.5° F.

The majority of participants self-reported that they had experienced feelings of regret after an uncommitted sexual encounter. We found women reported feeling significantly more regret than men.

Having sex with someone you don’t live with is now illegal under coronavirus lockdown laws [in England]

police departments around the country are using software that can track and identify people in crowds from surveillance footage — often with little to no public oversight or knowledge

List of killings by law enforcement officers by country

Can US Law Enforcement Officers Refuse to Identify Themselves?

Assessing Kurzweil predictions about 2019: the results

“This virus is never going to be gone.”

The optimal strategy is broadly found to be to release approximately half the population 2–4 weeks from the end of an initial infection peak, then wait another 3–4 months to allow for a second peak before releasing everyone else.

On a normal day, over 3,000 people work in the 52-story AMA building. With only four passengers at a time, which is about half of a typically crowded elevator, that translates to about 750 elevator rides each morning launching from 24 elevator cabs [KHN]

New York State published its sit-down restaurant guidelines — restaurants will have to cut their occupancy by 50 percent

Habitual Time of Dinner Is Predisposing to Severe COVID-19 Outcome - Death

Coronavirus survival hospital bill: $1.1 million

Slowing the Coronavirus Is Speeding the Spread of Other Diseases — Diphtheria is appearing in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Cholera is in South Sudan, Cameroon, Mozambique, Yemen and Bangladesh. A mutated strain of poliovirus has been reported in more than 30 countries. And measles is flaring around the globe, including in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Nigeria and Uzbekistan.

Negotiating With Jihadists in the Sahel and Nigeria

As my colleague Paul Krugman cannot stress enough, the stock market is not the economy. In fact, as a wise person on TikTok once said, it’s more of a graph of rich people’s feelings. But that raises the question: Why are rich people feeling so optimistic, and what does that imply about the way the economy works? […] if the market seems to be recovering faster than the rest of the country, it’s at least in part because of “the government’s policy of giving out free money,” in the words of the investor Leon Cooperman. […] many companies are doing exceedingly well, particularly big technology corporations. Five of those — Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Alphabet (Google’s parent company) and Facebook — together make up about 20 percent of the S.&P. 500, and they’ve all posted significant gains. […]   According to The Financial Times, some 780,000 people have created new accounts on three of America’s top brokerage platforms since the coronavirus pandemic hit the United States. With this “herd of newbies” charging into the market at a time of extraordinary uncertainty, she says, “people are going to get played.” […] The richest 11 percent of the world population holds more than 80 percent of its wealth. When the stock market rallies, the gains flow overwhelmingly to that wealthiest class, whose savings have to go somewhere. But instead of spurring investment, the wealth rushes into debt markets and drives long-term interest rates down, which makes corporate profits more valuable. Stock prices go up, the rich end up with more wealth still, and the cycle repeats. [NY Times]

In this report, we apply basic scientific techniques to answer the question “Is Kansas as flat as a pancake?”

Sound file for teaching your bird to mimic R2D2