Every day, the same, again

23.jpgTopless cleaning service owner arrested for underwear theft

Man accused of paying prostitutes to strip on neighbor’s porch at least 75 times

Pastor trying to prove how Jesus walked on water gets eaten by crocodile

Health consequences of smoking 1–4 cigarettes per day

the probability of divorce roughly doubled for married Americans who began pornography use

Facebook flooded with ’sextortion’ and revenge porn, files reveal

Instagram is the most harmful social network for your mental health

Watching more than three hours of television a day is associated with poorer language skills for 11-year-olds, according to a new international study

Human Sense of Smell Rivals That of Dogs, Says Study

Dogumenta, the First Art Exhibition For Dogs

Journalists drink too much, are bad at managing emotions, and operate at a lower level than average, according to a new study [Thanks GG]

In this research, we posit that those who consume “hot” and “spicy” food may be more prone to thoughts related to aggression

What kinds of secrets does the average person keep?

Secrecy, Confidentiality and “Dirty Work”: The Case of Public Relations

A quick history of why Asians wear surgical masks in public

Rossini wrote 40 operas (often three per year) by the time he was 40, and then suddenly retired. He later settled in a posh villa outside Paris, threw dinner parties and philosophized on music and food.

Caiman Wearing a Crown of Butterflies in the Amazon [Thanks Tim]

Artist wears white women as scarves