Every day, the same, again

21.jpgIf alcohol is consumed after witnessing a crime it can protect memory from misleading information

Getting High Off Snakebites?

American adults had sex about nine fewer times per year in the early 2010s compared to the late 1990s

Hormones, brain and behavior, a not-so-simple story

For nearly thirty years, a phantom haunted the woods of Central Maine. Unseen and unknown, he lived in secret, creeping into homes in the dead of night and surviving on what he could steal. [more]

The only known photograph of Chopin

Since 1954, more Burger King restaurants have burned down than any other fast-food chain [Thanks Tim]

James Brown “MISO’n up” based on Sex Machine(1992) [Thanks GG]

There is an alarming increase in demonic activity being reported by those who work in exorcism ministry, said the exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.