Every day, the same, again

33.jpgMark Zuckerberg built a voice-controlled thermostat that doesn’t listen to his wife’s voice

A 25-year-old with no Trump ties raises $1 million by dangling ‘dinner’ with the GOP nominee

20% of scientific papers on genes contain gene name conversion errors caused by Excel

Substituting multiple imputation for listwise deletion in political science […] in almost half of the studies, key results “disappear” (by conventional statistical standards) when reanalyzed.” [PDF]

How Rigged Are Stock Markets?: Evidence From Microsecond Timestamps

Is divorce seasonal? Study shows biannual spike in divorce filings

Immediately after we’ve been shunned, our brains engage a subtle mechanism that alters our sense of whether other people are making eye contact with us, so that we think it more likely that they are looking our way.

Trust Your Gut or Think Carefully? Examining Whether an Intuitive, Versus a Systematic, Mode of Thought Produces Greater Empathic Accuracy

More than one out of six people would prefer to die younger than age 80

“We run physics simulations all the time to prepare us for when we need to act in the world” Researchers find brain’s ‘physics engine’ predicts how world behaves

Scientists just discovered a new type of eye movement we do every day

Study strengthens evidence that cognitive activity can reduce dementia risk

Too much activity in certain areas of the brain is bad for memory and attention

What If We’re Wrong? History Suggests Everything Will Be Disproved

We now know how Lucy died some 3.18 million years ago

The longitudinal relationship between everyday sadism and the amount of violent video game play

Placebo Buttons [more]

Why don’t hotels give you toothpaste?

Just how dangerous is it to travel at 20% the speed of light?

The 9 Deep Learning Papers You Need To Know About

Philippines drugs war: The woman who kills dealers for a living

Bioluminescent Shrimp Turn Rocks on Japanese Beach Into “Weeping Stones”

There are no particles, there are only fields

Invisible Art

Nailbot prints custom nail art

Distressed Superstar Sneakers [more] [Thanks Tim]