Every day, the same, again

33.jpg London toilet for rent at £3,000 per month

New York Democrats claim Republican-controlled Senate won’t give them enough toilet paper

The states with the highest life expectancies for individuals in the bottom income quartile (>80.6 years) were California, New York, and Vermont. The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014

What The Hell Happened In East New York?

We study the effect of the illicit drug business on terrorism for a sample of 58 countries for the 1984–2007 period. We find that in the long run, higher drug prices are associated with more terrorism

The average has triumphed as the primary statistic of our time. We explore how the average came to dominate how we talk about data, and whether we would be better off using the median.

Chess instruction is no more effective in enhancing children’s cognitive and academic skills than many (at least more than 50%) other possible educational interventions

Homo erectus differs from earlier hominins in having relatively smaller teeth, reduced chewing muscles, weaker maximum bite force capabilities, and a relatively smaller gut. This paradoxical combination of increased energy demands along with decreased masticatory and digestive capacities is hypothesized to have been made possible by adding meat to the diet.

The Exotic Animal Traffickers of Ancient Rome

How Scams Worked In The 1800s

Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade. He tells his story for the first time.

My terrifying – and valuable – time in a psychiatric ward

Louis C.K. Meets the Unconscious

The trouble with emoji: Misinterpreted emotions