Every day, the same, again

Scientists To Open Mass-Cloning Factory in China This Year To Clone Cows, Pets, Humans The ambitious and futuristic facility hopes to be mass-producing one million cows every 12 months by 2020.

Renter says security camera inside apartment is an invasion of privacy

New York taxi drivers to be banned from flirting with or ejaculating on passengers

In Delaware, the state eliminated the not guilty by reason of insanity defense within days of the Hinckley verdict, creating instead the option of “guilty but mentally ill.”

Inside the company that provides fake paparazzi, pretend campaign supporters, and counterfeit protesters

How do people or companies with vested interests spread ignorance and obfuscate knowledge. There is a term studying this phenomenon.

Coffee consumption linked to lower risk of colorectal cancer

Touching a robot can elicit physiological arousal in humans

TSA paid $1.4 million for Randomizer app that chooses left or right

Interactive shop in virtual reality for futuristic clothing

A tampon alternative you can wear during sex

Hunter S. Thompson, The Art of Journalism No. 1

Secret Rooms Installed Inside Abandoned Manhole Covers on the Streets of Milan

Street Artist and City Worker Have Year Long Exchange on a Red Wall in London