Every day, the same, again

21.jpgEven people aged over 90 report better life satisfaction and happiness than those aged 40-59

Clearing Out Old Cells Increases Life Span of Mice by 25 Percent

People who prioritise time over money are happier

New data confirm that for countries worldwide long-term trends in happiness and real GDP per capita are not significantly positively related

People spend too much time on problems in which the reward difference between the options is low

When people choose not to reveal personal information - to be “hiders” - they are judged negatively by others. Observers rate those who reveal even questionable behavior more positively.

Researchers activate previously dormant memory cells

One reason your hair is thinning? Some of it turns into skin.

Progress in psychiatry in the West has been retarded by the proclivity of the discipline to swing violently between 2 approaches to viewing mental illness

‘Roaring and Social Communication in African Lions (3 studies)

Mosquitoes cause more misery and loss to humanity than any other organism. We could wipe them off the face of the earth. Here’s why we don’t.

How not to get killed by a cow (First: don’t try to save your dog.)

Wall Street’s getting crushed by a form of financial engineering you’ve probably never heard of

What Is Blockchain?

“Internet of Things” security is hilariously broken and getting worse

The Covert World of People Trying to Edit Wikipedia—for Pay

Starting with the March issue, due to hit newsstands this weekend, Playboy magazine will no longer feature explicit nudity. In 2014, Playboy-branded products generated $1.5 billion in revenues in China, about a third of the worldwide total.

What I learned from being a stock-photography model

More signs of Uber shaping urban infrastructure

A bot that drives robocallers crazy


Parody Patent Drawings Highlight Silicon Valley Greed [Thanks Tim]