Every day, the same, again

47.jpgOne in 10 Americans would do porn for $1 million — and 6% would murder for $1 billion

Italian woman turned to firefighters for help after she lost the key to her chastity belt. She explained she wore the belt voluntarily to prevent herself from entering into sexual relationships.

Scholars have assumed that trust is fragile: difficult to build and easily broken. We demonstrate, however, that in some cases trust is surprisingly robust.

What does fear do to our vision?

Pain produces memory gain

Altruism trumps good looks, although the combination of both is the most desirable of all.

New research may prove brain prepares multiple actions before acting

Individuals addicted to cocaine may have difficulty in controlling their addiction because of a previously-unknown ‘back door’ into the brain, circumventing their self-control

You Want To Be A Citadel Trader: Here Are The Requirements

People forget that Walmart is a $3 billion trucking company; it’s just they only truck for themselves. Amazon China is now registered to deliver its own products to seaports for ocean shipping.

Amazon Reveals Details About Its Crazy Drone Delivery Program

The North Dakota Crude Oil That’s Worth Less Than Nothing

20 Hollow Copyright Claims

Ten Days In A Madhouse, 1887

Woman faces jail for tagging sister-in-law on Facebook

Mike Drake collects his fingernail and toenail clippings and turns them into acrylic paperweights

Mathematicians invent new way to slice pizza into exotic shapes

City official persuades man to dress as old woman for photo op

Astronomers give David Bowie his own constellation

Yoga Joes

Washing machine brick bouncing on trampoline