Every day, the same, again

2.jpgThe practice by some Chinese parents of adopting girls and raising them as future wives for their biological sons

Scientists have figured out how to store electricity in ‘paper’

52 things I learned in 2015

By the end of this century, Africa will be home to 39% of the world’s population, almost as much as Asia, and four times the share of North America and Europe put together.

A 200-year history of interest rates shows that the real aberration looks like the 7.3 percent average experienced in the United States from 1970 to 2007. [NY Times]

Women can navigate better when given testosterone, study finds

There’s no such thing as a male or female brain, study finds. More: They found that between 23% and 53% of individuals (depending on the sample) had brains with both “male-end” and “female-end” features. In contrast, the percentage of people with only “female-end” or only “male-end” brain features was small, ranging from zero to 8%.

Why Is the Human Vagina So Big?

Living together is basically the same as marriage, study finds

There’s one really big problem with the case for Craig S. Wright as Satoshi

What Satoshi Did

Search Engine Censys Knows the Internet’s Dirty Little Security Secrets

Here’s what it would take for self-driving cars to catch on

Chinese researchers unveil brain powered car

Intelligent anti-explosion, anti-fire and anti-odour WiFi-enabled rubbish bins appear in China

Who’s investigating fake Chinese goods? Fake investigators

In this study, we investigate cross-linguistic patterns in the alternation between UM, a hesitation marker consisting of a neutral vowel followed by a final labial nasal, and UH, a hesitation marker consisting of a neutral vowel in an open syllable.

…a general expletive (oh fuck!), a personal insult (you fuck!), a cursing expletive (fuck you!), an emphatic intensifier (fucking marvellous!), in pronominal form (like fuck), as an idiomatic set phrase (fuck all), and for a destinational usage (fuck off!). Being fluent at swearing is a sign of healthy verbal ability

Deaths by this and that in Shakespeare’s plays

British pop singer Morrissey’s debut novel, “List of the Lost”, won the award for the worst sex scene of the year

Picasso’s muse Sylvette David, 1954 More: She has since changed her name to Lydia

The Real Face of Jesus

Controllable 3D model of a person made from photos

Liquid ASS [More: (used by US military to harden medics]