Every day, the same, again

254.jpg Stolen circumcision ambulance found after tip-off

Envy key motivator behind many Facebook posts, contributes to a decrease in mental well-being among users

Social stress messes up the hippocampus

Research shows that texts that end with a period really do come off as insincere

Ignorance may be bliss… but negative mood can make us more realistic

Sleep interruptions worse for mood than overall reduced amount of sleep, study finds

For people in relationships, sexual frequency is not significantly associated with well-being at a frequency greater than once a week.

A normal adult will die after eating 480 bananas. How Much [X] Could You Eat Before It Would Kill You?

Concert etiquette demands that audiences of classical concerts avoid inept noises such as coughs. and yet, coughing in concerts occurs more frequently than elsewhere, implying a widespread and intentional breach of concert etiquette.

A 30,000+ word blog post about how to write about information and make it spread