Every day, the same, again

35.jpg“Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilisation to build.”

In 1996, drugs relieved pain 27% more than a placebo. But in 2013 that gap had fallen to only 9%.

Four Reasons Drugs Are Expensive, of Which Two Are False

Finding cannabinoids in hair does not prove cannabis consumption

The Scientists Who Pee Plutonium

New study says 30 minutes of exercise isn’t enough. You should double or quadruple that.

Scientists have discovered more than 200 genes linked to ageing and have found switching them off could boost lifespan by 60 per cent, say scientists

Does the smell of a rare mushroom found in Hawaii really cause woman to have spontaneous orgasms?

The earliest example of a decapitation, dating from approximately 9,100-9,400 years ago

Meet the Library of Babel: Every Possible Combination of Letters That has Been (or could be) Written

Twitter’s New AI Recognizes Porn So You Don’t Have To

Adobe’s new algorithm can erase tourists from your photos in real time

Experts have no confidence that we can protect next-gen streets and cars from hackers

Squatty Potty [more] And: Colonic gas explosion during therapeutic colonoscopy with electrocautery

Patriarch Kirill’s folding cross