Every day, the same, again

27.jpgChinese workers go ‘faceless’ for a day to avoid stress of faking facial expressions

There is a widespread consensus amongst psychologists that tyranny triumphs either because ordinary people blindly follow orders or else because they mindlessly conform to powerful roles. However, recent evidence concerning historical events challenges these views.

40% of the US population would not consider voting for an atheist presidential candidate, regardless of their policies

Among our findings, 56% of students report changes in the strength of their religious convictions during college, while 45% report changes in religious service attendance frequency

“Millennials,” a demographic group defined by a slavish devotion to “keeping it real” by purchasing the correct consumer products

In 1770, the world’s average life expectancy was just 29 years old.

For people who want improved health, association with other healthy people is usually the strongest and most direct path of change.

Evaluation of environmental impacts: The case of pasta

Sun Tzu 2.0: Is cyberwar the new warfare?

Researchers perfect technique that profiles people based on unique keystroke traits.

Uber’s Phantom Cabs

Researchers demonstrate the world’s first white lasers More luminous and energy efficient than LEDs, white lasers look to be the future in lighting and light-based wireless communication.

How Far Can the Human Eye See a Candle Flame?

Intravenous garlic juice herpes treatment (Self-tested!)

Kayak struck by lightning