Every day, the same, again

21.jpgUK couple stranded in New York after baby arrived 11 weeks early face potential £130,000 medical bill

Art critic Julian Spalding banned from Damien Hirst’s Tate exhibition after calling him a talentless conman

Two-thirds of cancer cases due to “bad luck”

Arsenic in drinking water linked to 50 percent drop in breast cancer deaths

Scientists ‘edit’ DNA to correct adult genes and cure diseases

Researchers discover Asian fanged frog that don’t lay eggs but gives birth to tadpoles

Cleaning waste water with algae

Science Word of the Day: Kleptothermy

We conclude that early socio-economic conditions predict, to some extent, facial attractiveness in young adulthood.

Two centuries before the Swinging Sixties the weakening of social customs caused by the Industrial Revolution led to a modest transformation in people’s sexual behaviour

In September, the right-wing scandal sheet Keiten Shimbun obtained the photo of the vice chairman of Japan’s Olympic Committee sitting next to the head of Japan’s largest yakuza syndicate

When he was growing up, Spartz said, his parents made him read “four short biographies of successful people every single day.

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