Every day, the same, again

54.jpgWoman stabs son on Christmas over cell phone

Colorado couple arrested for stealing neighbors’ Christmas decorations, displaying them in yard (w/ mugshots)

Male Birth Control, Without Condoms, Will Be Here by 2017

Not as many married couples as expected are taking advantage of a loosening in China’s one-child policy that allows them to have two children if one spouse is an only child.

Researchers identify a few cases where identical twins’ genes behave differently

Why you can live a normal life with half a brain

The compound behind all those stories about red wine being good for you

Many people use too many plastic bags, drive their cars too much, eat too much meat or bluefin tuna, drink bottled water … Small Impacts and Imperceptible Effects

Possible alternative explanation for dark energy [previously]

Hundreds of Portuguese Buses and Taxis Are Also Wi-Fi Routers (and collect data for city planners)

Chrisdien Deny, a retail chain with more than 500 locations across China, sells belts, shoes and clothing with an “Italian style” — and a logo with the same font as Christian Dior’s. [NY Times]

How Google Cracked House Number Identification in Street View

They once called him “Sweden’s Hannibal Lector.” 

How the “Paul McCartney is Dead” Hoax Started at an American College Newspaper and Went Viral (1969)

Take life by the balls