Every day, the same, again

211.jpgRussia: Passengers ‘get out and push’ frozen plane

Around three percent of the Swiss secretly eat cat or dog

Dogs hear our words and how we say them

Researchers has determined the location where memories are generated with a level of precision never achieved before.

The mysterious ‘action at a distance’ between liquid containers

Utah Considers Cutting Off Water to the NSA’s Data Center

Twitter Users Are More Likely to Follow Others With The Same First Name But Nobody Knows Why

Automatic gender spoof detection (make-up and mustaches)

Winston Churchill Received the First Ever Letter Containing “O.M.G.” (1917)

My stalker is back.

European art collective created a bot that crawls the Darknet and makes one purchase per week

TED Talk: How to Dispose of a Chimp’s Body by Col. Frank Tuplin