Every day, the same, again

4.jpgScientists confess to sneaking Bob Dylan lyrics into their work for the past 17 years

Men are now the primary grocery shoppers in about four in 10 households. But men, food companies have found, have their own priorities.

Morphed images of Hollywood celebrities reveal how neurons make up your mind

Motion, audio, and location data harvested from a smartphone can be analyzed to accurately predict stress or depression

How to tell when a robot has written you a letter

Order doesn’t just happen, and it isn’t the product of individual freedom. It needs to be established, and it needs to be established first (sometimes by force), before individuals can be granted civic, economic, and social freedom. [via Rob Horning]

How Edward Hopper “Storyboarded” His Iconic Painting Nighthawks

Artists to Serve Radioactive Soup at Frieze London

New York artist creates ‘art’ that is invisible and collectors are paying millions. Previously: Andy Warhol: Invisible Sculpture [photo]