Every day, the same, again

25.jpgMother drives with 5-month-old in trunk to avoid being cited for not having car seat

The book describes the training of laboratory rats to trade in foreign exchange and commodity futures markets

Scientists may have accidentally misread space dust as evidence of the Big Bang

Researcher proves, mathematically, that black holes do not exist

Scientists have “hacked” photosynthesis, and it could help them speed up food production

The bacteria within us — which outnumber our own cells about 100-fold — may be affecting both our cravings and moods to get us to eat what they want

Researchers found that when charged more for an all-you-can-eat buffet diners rated the food higher than when charged less for the same food.

Coffee Drinkers Have Trouble Talking About Emotions?

How to Instantly Tell If Someone is About to Make a Good Decision (Or Not)

A new study has suggested that men who exercise on a regular basis are at lower risk of nocturia i.e. waking up at night to urinate.

The color green facilitates creative performance

The idea of an aesthetically pleasing gluteal region has been with us since early recorded history.

Are dolphins cleverer than dogs?

The Verbal Overshadowing Effect (describing the perpetrator will make it more difficult for you to identify him out of the lineup)

Lobbying money is flooding into Washington, DC, like never before

Emma Watson nude photo threats were apparently a plot to kill 4chan, orchestrated by viral marketing company

Can Graffiti Be Copyrighted?

a type of polychaete worm