Every day, the same, again

435.jpg Three Swiss couples copulating in a van fined for not wearing seatbelts

Google has to reinforce its internet cables because sharks keep biting them

New Yorkers go to bed earlier than people in Paris, Beijing, Moscow, Dubai, Tokyo and Madrid, study

Why Some People Only Need Five Hours’ Sleep a Night

The Real Secret to Detecting Lies (And It’s Not Body Language) [more]

How to help an anxious interviewee - be mean to them

Mother’s diet modifies her child’s DNA

Love makes sex better for most women

Study reveals that men experience orgasm during sexual activity with a familiar partner 85% of the time on average, compared with 63% of the time for women.

Representing Sex in the Brain, One Module at a Time

Scientists may have identified an intermediate-sized black hole for the very first time

Two Stanford researchers have discovered that a species of harvester ants determine how many foragers to send out of the nest in much the same way that Internet protocols discover how much bandwidth is available for the transfer of data. The researchers are calling it the “anternet.” [Thanks Tim]

The Slack software borrows from social sites such as Twitter and Facebook to turn the middle of your screen into a stream of messages. E-mail is dead—or at least that’s what Silicon Valley is banking on.

Google’s driverless cars designed to exceed speed limit

Managers of Walgreen’s drugstores in the US “often retire in their 40s.” […] In India, hair dressers can earn more than employees in the software industry.

French treasure hunter finds 50 pieces of jewellery on Mont Blanc from Air India crash 48 years ago

The “Blue Star” solution activates the physical memory of blood through its contact with the remaining DNA proteins on the walls

With a local anesthesia, he operated himself to remove the appendix.

Maine Man, 19, Poses For New Mug Shot Wearing T-Shirt With Photo Of His Old Mug Shot

Justin Bieber Tartare with Ham

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