Every day, the same, again

61.jpgAstronauts debate provenance of turd floating in Apollo 10

Nude Beach Blow Job Jet Ski Fight Leads to Wife’s Death

Collector Gets 422 Million AmEx Points With Cup Purchase

How Becoming a Father Changes Your Brain

We only use 10% of our brains? That’s 100% wrong.

Sweet taste liking is associated with impulsive behaviors in humans

Many individuals, and even entire cultures, fear happiness

A gene responsible for stopping the movement of cancer from the lungs to other parts of the body has been discovered by researchers

Unlike any other living thing on Earth, electric bacteria use energy in its purest form

What if Bertrand was suffering from a disorder that was not just extremely rare but entirely unknown to science?

The Polar Bear on Prozac, The Gorilla Who Got Thorazine in His Coca-Cola, The Gorillas Who Got Haldol, Valium, Klonopin, Zoloft, Paxil, Xanax, Buspar, Prozac, Ativan, Versed, Mellaril, and Beta-Blockers…

Using bees that have been genetically modified to 3D-print concrete

Mr. Rose is one of about 50 pickpockets whose mug shots are on flash cards studied by plainclothes subway officers. They call the thieves the “Nifty 50.” [NY Times]

Brands are succeeding largely because of consumer ignorance.

How much are curators really paid?

Touching the Art - Episode 1 [via A new web series that aims to demystify the art world]


If you’re looking for love, and you’re dead, Ghost Singles is the site for you.