Every day, the same, again

39.jpg New York lawmakers approve ban on ‘tiger selfies’

A Norwegian football fan has scooped a cool £500 after betting on Luis Suarez to bite somebody at the World Cup in Brazil.

About 20% of the population are “highly sensitive people” (HSP), who display heightened awareness to subtle stimuli - whether positive or negative - and process information more thoroughly.

Not everyone wants cheering up, new study suggests. People with low self-esteem usually prefer negative validation.

How smartphones and sitting at a computer can ruin your posture

Personality May Affect Posture, Back Pain

A 1999 outbreak of diarrheal illness affected 44% of patrons (an estimated 4800 people) who visited a new local interactive water fountain in a beachside park. Water recreation illnesses

If our understanding of the physics behind the recently-discovered Higgs boson is correct, our universe shouldn’t exist. That is, however, if another cosmological hypothesis is real, a hypothesis that is currently undergoing intense scrutiny in light of the BICEP2 results.

Human Language Is Biased Towards Happiness, Say Computational Linguists

The concept of “mother” in linguistics

When you visit BuzzFeed, they record lots of information about you.

Wikipedia editors hit with $10 million defamation lawsuit

How did China become the world’s leader in luxury goods sales — a category that relies heavily on IP rights for its market value — while at the same time achieving unchallenged global dominance in “IP theft”?

As mobile devices are used to perform more financial transactions, cybercriminals are taking greater interest.

Chinese hospitals introduce hands-free automatic ’sperm extractor’ for donors