Every day, the same, again

31.jpgA Hong Kong VC fund appointed an algorithm to its board of directors.

Secret Service wants software that detects sarcasm on social media

Study: Women with creaky voices — also known as ‘vocal fry’ — deemed less hireable

research has suggested that the emotion of disgust and the recognition of the “disgust face” do not reliably emerge until later in ontogeny, at 5 years of age or after.

Fetus Uses Left Hand When Mother Is Stressed, Study

Using a flash of light, scientists have inactivated and then reactivated a memory in genetically engineered rats

Do Rats Know When They Don’t Know?

Slight variations in how an individual face is viewed can lead people to develop significantly different first impressions of that individual

What does it mean when someone favorites your Tweet? Here are 25 possible answers

10 Lazy Ways to Appear Smarter

Philosophy can solve the mid-life crisis, at least in one of its forms [PDF]

A Linguist On the Story of Gendered Pronouns

How words borrowed from different languages have influenced English throughout its history

The Reverse Yelp: Restaurants Can Now Review Customers, Too

Alexander Shulgin, ‘Godfather of ecstasy’, dies aged 88

Angus Fairhurst and Damien Hirst, A Couple of Cannibals Eating a Clown (I Should Coco) (1993)

Vincent van Gogh’s 3-D printed ear on display in Germany

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