Every day, the same, again

5423.jpgParty officials were apparently willing to turn a blind eye to Ms Groll’s career choice, but they could not ignore her sexual encounter with the black male in her latest movie, titled Kitty Discovers Sperm.

Oklahoma pastor says he accidentally flooded Texas by praying too hard

Man hit girlfriend with anger management book

How one college went from 10% female computer-science majors to 40%

Stress impacts ability to get pregnant, study

Stem cells offer clue to bipolar disorder treatment

Hypotheses about why we sleep

Why is it that one person can stay slim while eating a lot of calories, while another tends to gain weight despite eating fewer?

Plant nanobionics approach to augment photosynthesis and biochemical sensing

Scientists film inside a flying insect

Why Dark Pigeons Rule the Streets

Sick Again? Why Some Colds Won’t Go Away

Simulated High-Altitude Taste Testing of Tomato Juice

Consciousness and Futility: A Proposal for a Legal Redefinition of Death

Banker hanged himself was “anxious about various authorities investigating areas of the bank where he worked”

ATM attack uses SMS to dispense cash

New York City now has a 24-hour ATM that dispenses cupcakes

IRS Rules Bitcoin Is Property (Not Currency)

Hire a Drone With Bitcoin

These companies are mining the world’s data by selling street lights and farm drones

The people who donated $2.4 million to the Oculus Rift headset on Kickstarter will receive nothing. And: The Sheer Idiocy Of The Markets In One Chart - Oculus Edition

Data suggests that French language just might be the language of the future.

5 Hidden Algorithms That Rule Your World

Can You Sue A Robot For Defamation?

If a person insists that they are color blind, how can you prove otherwise?

The Behavioral Economics of Drunk Driving [PDF]

You can now pay $3,000 to rent a “social media wedding concierge”

Why Wu-Tang Will Release Just One Copy Of Its Secret Album

San Francisco billboards shame drivers with actual photos of them texting

Coded Notes Found at Weldon Library

Concert accessories