

you can also follow me on twitter to learn when a new post comes out

from swerve of shore to bend of bay

Starting next month, publications of the New Shelton wet/dry will occur on the New Inquiry. See you there!

back! more soon!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.


Paul’s boutique

I thought, peradventure you would prefer to have a few posts to read every morning vs. the full rack once a week?

So speak out. [I left the ‘Add a different answer’ option, don’t be shy to use it.]

I prefer to read
  • However you prefer to post: I am just appreciative that a site like this exists!1
  • a few posts--between zero and six--every morning
  • the full rack once a week so I can feel overwhelmed.
  • I would like to combine the first two: a few posts every day instead of the full rack once a week and I am appreciative that a site like this exists! i visit all the time. thank you.1
  • It's a little Christmas every week. Waiting and waiting, then the day is here, posts galore !! While some weeks that's good, other weeks I get lost in all the posts. The answer? Whatever is best for you, just keep it up!1
  • Penny Arcade style: posts on monday, wednesday, friday.1
  • Whenever the genius strikes, the birth of art can not be scheduled.1
  • more prvtdncr. i love your site so much1
  • The once a week + extra little bits now and again. We think we want the adventkalendar but really the seeminly less of once a week works: it ups the anticipation.1
  • 'Whenever the genius strikes, the birth of art can not lbe schedued', but basically the more the better.1
  • All and or any of the above. One a day and a couple more on Friday would be peachy.1
  • i like it. i think my answer would change depending on the hour/day, so whatever you feel you must. i'll read.1
  • When you switched to once a week, I was sad...but then I decided it was for the best because, although I love your site, I sort of hate the Internet—so the fewer sites I feel I "have" to look at every day, the better. (I.e., knowing you're once a week means I don't have to check every day.) That said, you should do exactly what you want (as if that needs saying).1
  • Love that its not updated everyday....tiresome ...instead much better to return and browse at will.1
  • I would like to combine the first two: a few posts every day instead of the full rack once a week and I am appreciative that a site like this exists! i visit all the time. thank you. 'Whenever the genius strikes, the birth of art can not lbe schedued', but basically the more the better. All and or any of the above. One a day and a couple more on Friday would be peachy.1
  • you are great, but would love to know more about you? how do you juxtapose the pics with the text. i mean how do you find (ie for a given article, what search do you do on google?). thanks, you're great1
  • I miss stereohell1
  • Whatever pace comes from you putting Whim on your lintels, you're the absolute best.1
Total Votes: 488 Started: February 16, 2010 1 = Added by a guest Back to Vote Screen

Taking 3 weeks off. Normal service will resume on Jan 8.

Have a great holiday and see you next decade!

I am so hot, I make myself moist


I try to do what Jeff Koons did when he put 1, 2 or 3 New Shelton Wet/Dry vacuums in a Plexiglas box, and added a title. I put news in Plexiglas boxes, and add titles.

It’s rather an experiment than journalism.

It’s about editing news, about the concept “editing/commenting is creating” developed a century ago when philosophers (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Deleuze, Foucault to name a few) made Philosophy by commenting past Philosophy.

Almost everything is quoted and nothing is signed: French writer Marguerite Yourcenar once said that it doesn’t matter who is writing. What matters is that it is written.

Also: Personality is like a collection of traits that we all share, and that we sometimes borrow from each other, but the totality (of qualities and traits) is peculiar to a specific person. That’s how one differs from another, by creating a different mix of existing traits, by tuning these traits to various degrees.

The word personality originates from the Latin persona, which means mask. We spend our life building this mask, and make it attractive, unique, different, coherent… It’s about editing traits and influences. It’s about creating something new from existing material.

artwork { Jeff Koons, New Hoover Convertibles, New Shelton Wet/Dry 10 Gallon Displaced Doubledecker, 1981-87 | Vacuum cleaners, Plexiglas and fluorescent lights | Photo: Thanks Daniel! }

related { Whether your earwax is wet or dry is determined by a mutation in a single gene, scientists have discovered. }

And start again at your beginnings

Sorry for the blackout.

The server has crashed and everything it was hosting has disappeared. There was no backup — besides the google caches. We’ll have to start over from scratch. (The new shelton wet/dry now looks more like a sand mandala than a Jeff Koons artwork.)

I’ll keep publishing every friday. Thanks for your continued support and readership.

New URL is newshelton.com/wet/dry/