The resulting ‘reality bomb’ has the potential to destroy all matter in every universe; reality itself would be destroyed.


The human cannonball is a performance in which a person (the “cannonball”) is ejected from a specially designed cannon. The impetus is provided not by gunpowder, but by either a spring or jet of compressed air. In a circus performance, gunpowder may be used to provide visual and auditory effects, but this is unrelated to the launching mechanism.

The first human cannonball, in 1877 at the Royal Aquarium in London, was a 14 year-old girl called Zazel.

Historian A.H. Coxe says of 50 human cannonballs more than 30 have been killed, mostly by falling outside the net.

{ Wikipedia | The Straight Dope }

photo { Tereza Vlčková }