‘If human beings were shown what they’re really like, they’d either kill one another as vermin, or hang themselves.’ –Aldous Huxley


Did you hear about the Bangladeshi brick company that beheaded an employee to improve the color of its bricks?

This tragic incident raises many questions. The article is vague, but I assume a supervisor or some sort of boss was leading this strategy. So I wonder how the employee was chosen? Was he the worst worker, the biggest complainer, or the guy who looked the most like a brick? (…)

I wonder how the boss broke the news to the employee. Did he work up to it with a list of criticisms about the employee’s job performance? As a boss, you don’t want to start that sort of conversation with the beheading part. Begin with something like “I noticed you’ve been late twice this week.” That way it isn’t such a cruel shock when you get to the decapitation scenario.

{ Scott Adams | Continue reading }